
Basic information

Token name: gamebox token

Token ticker: $GBX



Liquidity Pair:7bh7fCwinYEpspdeJPyvdtZ5CTbVgWWpvqM9x1SELHt7

The current state of gamefi projects is concerning, as many lack a stable profitability model. A lot of projects rely on funding from new entrants to pay returns to early participants, or maintain cash flow by selling NFTs. This model is unsustainable and prone to collapse.

In contrast, a platform like, which integrates thousands of games, can provide a healthier economic foundation for its $GBX token. By incorporating monetization methods like in-game purchases and advertising within the games themselves, can establish a more stable revenue stream to support its ecosystem.

This game-centric business model appears more promising for sustainable long-term growth, compared to over-reliance on speculation and hype that plagues many gamefi projects currently.

Ultimately, the gamefi industry needs to explore more stable commercial models that can genuinely create value for users, rather than just facilitating investment and trading. Only then can gamefi achieve durable development. plans to allocate 70% of its in-game revenues towards the infrastructure and development of the $GBX token. This will help stabilize the token price and ensure its sustainability, allowing more players and investors to benefit from it.

Token Distribution

Token Release Schedule

Last updated